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Frequently asked questions

What is Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)?

NLP is a way of changing someone’s thoughts and behaviors to help achieve desired outcomes through models, techniques and strategies designed to influence the way we think. 

Why is NLP so expensive? What is Licensed NLP Practitioner?

NLP is not a very stringently regulated industry as the founders Dr Richard Bandler and Dr John Grinder were more focused on creating powerful techniques, modeling, brain storming and exploring new ways of creating long lasting change by understanding human neurology than create red tape around NLP curriculum. Both the founders encourage learners to use NLP ethically, model more exemplars, improvise and create new techniques and strategies rather than repeat the old ones. Their focus has always been on creating outstanding results. 

Therefore, the charges and credibility of the NLP training are not benchmarked. However, you can identify credible trainers and value for money by searching for the credibility of trainer.

Does NLP really work?

As long as one can understand and follow instructions and genuinely wants to change (but doesn’t know how to), then NLP will work without fail.

Do you offer paid opportunities after completing the course?

For some courses such as public speaking (or train the trainer) and NLP, we create some freelance opportunities. We do not guarantee consistent or permanent opportunities however we do equip you to become capable of creating opportunities through ad-hoc freelance opportunities and mentoring.

Can I work as a trainer after completing your ‘Train the trainer course’?

Yes, you can. Panacea Valley Consulting is a registered training institute and our certificates are credible and valid.

How much do trainers and coaches make annually?

  • Soft skill trainers make anywhere between 36k to 5L per month. Some trainers make much more than 5L with experience. You can search in job sites to know the salary range
  • Coaches charge anywhere from Rs 750- 1L per session depending on experience, niche and expertise

Please do your own research too. Constant learning, branding, and positioning in the field will guarantee huge returns.  

What are the lowest priced courses you offer?

  • NLP beginners, 8 videos, self-learning. Fees Rs 1199.
  • Panacea Hub 12 months, once a month zoom course. Rs 1200 for a year.

Who needs to learn NLP?

  • Trainers to ensure training strategies create powerful learning and transformation in participants during the session itself
  • Doctors for influencing their patients and their families positively when they are going through physical or mental trauma
  • Psychologists, psychiatrists, counsellors, social workers and coaches as they need to create sustainable transformation faster at every interaction
  • Sales professionals, marketers and lawyers for effective persuasion
  • Teachers and academic consultants for teaching students manage stress, learn to think creatively, let go of negative experiences etc.
  • Healers to connect with subconscious mind to enhance self-healing of physical and emotional trauma
  • Leaders and Managers to communicate impactfully and influence stakeholders positively
  • Finally, anyone who wishes to create life enhancing changes in self or others should attend 
We create change in 20 minutes through proven coaching and training tools. We aim to reduce this to 5 minutes as we continue our research and exploration of human behavioural and thinking patterns.