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Corporate training

The four pillars that can create a great organisation are



People’s mindset

Accepted standard of behaviour

As part of our training we offer

As part of our training we offer

As part of our training we offer

As part of our training we offer

As part of our training we offer

As part of our training we offer

As part of our training we offer

As part of our training we offer

As part of our training we offer

As part of our training we offer

  • 20 days Induction training cover areas such
  • Positive attitude and self-motivation
  • Out of comfort zone
  • Changing limiting beliefs
  • Time Management
  • Power of prioritisation and focus
  • Managing stress 
  • Above training pitched at a different level for employees who have been in an organisation for 4-5 years when complacency sets in
  • Creating work life balance
  • Verbal communication 
  • Non-verbal communication including written communication
  • Email, phone and other online best practices
  • Knowing self
  • Building trust
  • Assertiveness
  • Leadership training: Four parts and each part will be covered in a day or according to client needs
  • Listening skills
  • Giving and receiving instructions
  • Team work and collaboration
  • Conflict Management
  • Ownership and accountability
  • Aligning to organisational vision, mission and values
  • Building a brand for self
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Strategic Change Management
  • Corporate etiquette
  • Customer service
  • Customer Delight
  • Proactiveness
  • Responsiveness
  • Stakeholder management
  • Taking initiative to learn
  • Performance Management and Individual Action Plan
  • Leadership Essentials
Panacea Valley