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6 ways we wow our students


Produce outstanding results

We obsess about our students' success and their experience. Each of our team members brings expertise, passion, and a deep desire to succeed in their role and we deliver on what we say we're going to do, outstandingly. Our students always get 10X more value for what they paid.

Take responsibility for your success

Success leaves clues - and successful people take complete responsibility for results and non-results. We don't push the blame, we don't give up, we find a way, together.

Create an insatiable hunger to learn and grow

Inside every person is more potential than the person themselves often realise, and we challenge ourselves to constantly learn and grow every single day.

Consistently drive improvements and innovations

We love to challenge ourselves and challenge the status quo- to explore, evolve, bring innovation and always find better ways to serve our students and advance self-evolution and NLP - it's what has helped us lead the industry since inception. Our team is dedicated to reviewing, researching and improving the course materials literally every single day (and we're probably on of the very few firms that does that!) As a result, our courses have the most resources, most amount of support, and most importantly, more success in terms of results compare to any other courses.

We care, bringing out-of-the-box thinking within you

We watch out for each other, go above and beyond for each other, champion each other to succeed and treat each other as family. We want you to bring all of you, your fun, your quirk, your uniqueness and be celebrated, championed and supported as a community.

Love your life

Sit back, relax and pop a cold one because your life just got a whole lot easier by using Salient.
Our students often share that when they become part of the panacean community here at Panacea Valley Consulting, they feel like they've come home, like they belong. It's a extraordinary community of like-minded people who are there for each other.
We are passionate about giving back to the society, especially to causes that don't always get much media attention or support. Through Panacea Valley and personal contributions from our students, together, we have supported fees for underprivileged students, medical support for families, financial support during crisis, nurturing and finding appropriate support for injured stray animals and various such causes.
Our training programs bring passionate people together from various backgrounds and from all over India and the world to learn, grow, share, connect, champion, and make even more of a difference as a coach, trainer, consultant, friend, parent, husband, wife . . . Transformations have happened during the programs, lifelong friendships have formed, and accountability partners! Our training is our version of creating a life of choice and creating an opportunity for our students to live their dream.
We create change in 20 minutes through proven coaching and training tools. We aim to reduce this to 5 minutes as we continue our research and exploration of human behavioural and thinking patterns.